6 Easy Tips for Coping with Taxes

  1. Get organized – this is not too difficult, but it takes time. Make a file for documents as they start arriving.
  2. Seek help from a tax profession if needed. A tax professional brings expertise, knowledge of the tax code, ability to find deductions, and can develop strategies for lowing your future tax bill. This is a personal decision of course.
  3. Make your 2017 IRA Contribution. The deadline for this is April 17th, 2018. For 2017, the maximum amount is $5,000, unless you are 50 or older. Then you can make a catch-up contribution of an extra $1,000.
  4. If a refund is coming, file electronically. The IRS processes electronic returns faster than paper ones.  You may get your refund more quickly.  So learn more, visit:  http://www.irs.gov/filing/e-file-options .
  5. Reinvest your tax refund. Your financial advisor can help you identify the best way to do this, be it a college fund, or retirement fund. If you develop this strategy now, you will be less likely to spend your refund.
  6. Make a commitment this year to stay organized. When it comes to receipts, write them down, keep a ledger or file. Get a portable file box so you can file items as needed.
By |2020-11-02T04:29:24-09:00January 11th, 2018|Good to Know|

January Happenings in Seattle

Happy New Year to all! Here is a sampling of the January 2018 happenings in the Seattle area:


01/05/18 – 01/07/18:  Northwest Remodeling Expo.  Held at the Washington State Convention Center.  http://www.homeshowcenter.com/overview/seattle

01/11/18 – 01/14/18 :  Nordic Lights Film Festival. Limited number of tickets available. http://nordicmuseum.org/nlff

01/12/18 – Kirkland Art Walk:  Second Friday of every month from 5-8pm. http://kirklandartwalk.com/home/

01/26/18 – 02/03/18:  Seattle Boat Show, the west coast’s largest boat show.  https://seattleboatshow.com/


By |2020-11-02T04:29:24-09:00January 5th, 2018|Community News & Events, Good to Know|

Holiday Pet Safety Tips from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

December abounds with holiday celebrations, but nothing can spoil good cheer like an emergency trip to the veterinary clinic. These tips can help keep your winter holiday season from becoming not-so-happy – for your pet and for you.

Plan in Advance

  • Make sure you know how to get to your 24/7 emergency veterinary clinic before there’s an emergency.
  • Always keep these numbers posted in an easy-to-find location in case of emergencies: Your veterinarian’s clinic phone number, 24/7 emergency, veterinary clinic (if different), and the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline: 1-888-426-4435 (A fee may apply.)


  • Keep people food away from pets. If you want to share holiday treats with your pets, make or buy treats formulated just for them.
  • The following people foods are especially hazardous for pets:
  1. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats.
  2. Other sweets and baked goods also should be kept out of reach. Not only are they often too rich for pets; an artificial sweetener often found in baked goods, candy and chewing gum, xylitol, has been linked to liver failure and death in dogs.
  3. Turkey and turkey skin – sometimes even in small amounts – can cause a life-threatening condition in pets known as pancreatitis.
  4. Table scraps – including gravy and meat fat –also should be kept away from pets. Many foods that are healthy for people are poisonous to pets, including onions, raisins and grapes. During the holidays, when our own diets tend toward extra-rich foods, table scraps can be especially fattening and hard for animals to digest and can cause pancreatitis.
  5. Yeast dough can cause problems for pets, including painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating.


  • Greenery, lights and Christmas trees can make the holidays festive, but they also pose risky temptations for our pets.
  • Christmas trees can tip over if pets climb on them or try to play with the lights and ornaments. Consider tying your tree to the ceiling or a doorframe using fishing line to secure it.
  • Water additives for Christmas trees can be hazardous to your pets. Do not add aspirin, sugar, or anything to the water for your tree if you have pets in the house.
  • Ornaments can cause hazards for pets. Broken ornaments can cause injuries, and ingested ornaments can cause intestinal blockage or even toxicity. Keep any homemade ornaments, particularly those made from salt-dough or other food-based materials, out of reach of pets.
  • Tinsel and other holiday decorations also can be tempting for pets to eat. Consuming them can cause intestinal blockages, sometimes requiring surgery. Breakable ornaments or decorations can cause injuries.
  • Electric lights can cause burns when a curious pet chews the cords.
  • Flowers and festive plants can result in an emergency veterinary visit if your pet gets hold of them. Amaryllis, mistletoe, balsam, pine, cedar, and holly are among the common holiday plants that can be dangerous and even poisonous to pets who decide to eat them. Poinsettias can be troublesome as well. The ASPCA offers lists of plants that are toxic to dogsand cats.
  • Candles are attractive to pets as well as people. Never leave a pet alone in an area with a lit candle; it could result in a fire.
  • Potpourris should be kept out of reach of inquisitive pets. Liquid potpourris pose risks because they contain essential oils and cationic detergents that can severely damage your pet’s mouth, eyes and skin. Solid potpourris could cause problems if eaten.
By |2020-11-02T04:29:24-09:00December 21st, 2017|Good to Know|

Holiday Travel Tips

Holiday Travel Tips

The holidays are the busiest time of year to travel.  AAA estimates that 99 million people will travel between the week of Christmas and New Year’s.  Take the stress out by following these tips:

If you are driving…

  • Plan your route ahead of time, including hotel reservations if you are staying overnight while on the way to your destination.
  • Keep roadside assistance information at hand so you can act quickly if your vehicle has trouble
  • Always keep a spare cell phone charger in your car
  • Pack a winter safety kit with ice scraper, shovel, jumper cables tire chains, tow rope, flashlight, blanket, and first aid kit

If you are flying…

  • Plan carefully, during winter travel, you may experience flight delays and cancellations
  • Pack light. Many airlines charge for baggage. Take only what you need and consider shipping gifts ahead of time
  • Leave early to allow you a buffer against delays and crowds. Consider taking light rail to the airport
  • Download your airline company’s app on your phone so you can stay informed about any changes
  • Bring your own small blanket on the plane to avoid germs on the rarely cleaned ones airlines provide
  • Stay hydrated, the pressurized airplane cabin is very dry
  • Bring healthy snacks
  • Move around to avoid blood clots. Taking a walk or even tapping your feet will help.

If you are bringing children…

  • Give yourself lots of time and opportunities to rest along the way.
  • Bring a spare set of clothing
  • Pack some small toys
  • Remind your children not to talk to strangers

If you are travelling with pets…

  • Make sure your pet had ID and is microchipped. If you are taking a carrier, write live animal on the carrier and attached a photo of your pet.
  • Get your pet up to date on vaccinations
  • Make sure the animal is secure in the car, always travel with them in a carrier
  • If flying, take a direct flight
  • Make frequent stops if travelling by car and allow your pet some exercise (it is good for you too!)
By |2020-11-02T04:29:24-09:00December 15th, 2017|Good to Know|

Holiday Happenings in December 2017

Need some activities to get into the mood? Here is a sampling of the many Holiday Happenings in December 2017

11/21/17 – 01/01/17 – Sheraton Hotel Gingerbread Village, 1400 6th Ave at the Sheraton:   http://www.sheratonseattle.com/gingerbread-village

11/24/17 – 12/23/17 – Christmas Ships Festival:   https://www.argosycruises.com/argosy-cruises/christmas-ship-festival/

12/01/17 – 01/01/18 – Seattle Wildlights at the Woodland Park Zoo:  https://zoo.org/wildlights

12/01/17 Great Figgy Pudding Caroling Competition – Downtown Seattle at Westlake Center:  http://www.pikemarketseniorcenter.org/figgy-pudding/

12/02/17 – 12/03/17 – Urban Craft Uprising, Seattle Center 301 Mercer St:  http://www.urbancraftuprising.com/winter-2017/

12/2/17 – 12/28/17 – The Pacific Northwest Ballet presents The Nutcracker:  https://www.pnb.org/nutcracker/

12/09/17 – Greenlake Pathway of Lights, come stroll the pathways:  http://parkways.seattle.gov/2017/11/08/2017-pathway-lights/

12/10/17 – Annual Jingle Bell Run, a 5K:  http://www.arthritis.org/get-involved/jingle-bell-run/

12/15/17 – 12/17/17 – Seattle Symphony presents Handel’s Messiah :  https://seattlesymphony.org/concerttickets/calendar/2017-2018/symphony/handel-messiah

12/17/17 – Fremont Food Truck 4th annual Winter Fest Festival at the Fremont Sunday Market:  http://www.fremontmarket.com/

12/30/17 – The Seattle Reparatory Jazz Orchestra presents Jazz with Duke Ellington:  https://www.srjo.org/2017-18-concert-season

By |2020-11-02T04:29:25-09:00November 30th, 2017|Community News & Events, Good to Know|

Winterizing Your Home

The recent stretch of unseasonably cold weather in Seattle, including a dusting of snow, reminds me that it is time to think about winterizing our homes. The better prepared your home is the better it can handle cold weather. Here are some tips…

Keep your home warm all winter long:

Turn on your furnace and listen to it, to confirm it is starting and running.

Replace or clean your furnace filter once per month.

Have a technician service your furnace to ensure all parts are in good shape.

If you are using ceiling fans, verify that they are turning clockwise.  Pushing the air down can reduce your heating costs up to 10%*

Prevent pipes from freezing:

Drain exterior facets and remove garden hoses. Store the hoses inside a garage or shed

Cover exposed pipes with the pre-slit foam, an inexpensive purchase at any home improvement store

Keep your fireplace in good working order:

Check to see if there are any nests or debris in the chimney and have that removed

Make sure the flue can be easily opened and closed

Consider having the chimney cleaned to eliminate creosote build-up

Prepare the home’s exterior:

Have the roof inspected for missing or damaged shingles.

Inspect the flashing around chimneys for leaks

Check for holes around the foundation where critters can crawl inside, and then seal the holes

Turn off the water to outside sprinkler systems and have compressed air blown through.

If needed, apply a sealant to a wood deck, and cover your outdoor furniture

Don’t forget the gutters:

Gutters move water away from your home. Clean those gutters to prevent flooding around the foundation, and ice dam issues from freezing





By |2020-11-02T04:29:25-09:00November 7th, 2017|Good to Know|
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