Prevent Identity Theft
Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information and uses it without your permission.
Thieves might:
- Go through your trash can or dumpster, stealing bills with sensitive information.
- Work for businesses and steal information on the job.
- Misuse the name of a legitimate business and try to trick you into revealing information, either by phone or by email.
- Pretend to offer you a job, or rent an apartment and ask you for information to “qualify.”
- Steal your wallet, purse, backpack or mail in order to get credit cards or other items that show personal information.
Signs of Identity Theft:
- Mistakes on your bank or credit card statements.
- Mistakes on the explanation of medical benefits from your health plan.
- Bills for items you did not purchase
- Calls from debt collectors
- An IRS notice that someone has used your Social Security Number
- Unwarranted collection notices on your credit report
- Being turned down for a loan or a job
Protect Yourself by:
- Order all 3 credit reports once per year and read them carefully. To order, go to or call 877-322-8228
- Read all the bank, credit card statements or health benefit explanations you receive – if there is a mistake contact the the business right away
- Shred all documents that show personal information before you throw them away.
- Do not use the same computer password for more than one account
- Use antivirus and firewall protection software on your computer
- If you shop online, make sure the website uses encryption – https at the beginning of a web address (“s” is for secure).